
I’m Back!

It feels strange to be typing at the computer right now...if I'm being honest. I have been gone for well over a year. It's been an interesting time of growth and change. I'm thankful to have the opportunity to return, but I'm feeling out a new direction (yet again). I chose to eliminate the podcast. I feel silly recording myself and the demands on my life these days make it increasingly more difficult to sit down and get anything intelligible...

The Sum Of Who We Are

Y'all, it is way to easy to get disoriented in daily life (or rather the daily grind?). I mean, there is so much to process and so much to do...after awhile it just feels plain overwhelming. Not to mention all the chaos surrounding us. Sifting through our current situations and responsibilities, it's no wonder we often turn on ourselves. We paint an image of who we are...and usually an ugly one. The guilt, the pain, the failure, yada yada.......

How do we rest in the lord

Hand's up if it feels like parenting is monumentally overwhelming at times. Yeah, me too. Honestly, there are so many wonderful times and huge rewards, but there is serious struggle too. We all think we've got it together and we know what we are doing...until we don't. Say it with me now: I'm not fine. Lord, I NEED you! Every hour I need you. When I became a Mom that "every hour" part hit home. I mean EVERY HOUR, LORD! Day and night. Man oh...

I Said, “I’m Fine.”

Once upon a time, I told my husband that the response, "I'm fine" is basicaly a womans translation for: "Not good, but I don't want to talk about it." I mean, am I right!?! Whenever I want to be left alone in my misery, it's always "fine". Because saying "good" is just a lie, and let's all be honest here, soliciting a deep conversation about my "problems" is NOT desirable. Oh man...anyway... A lot of times in life, we're not fine. We're barely...

7 Reasons God Allows Us To Suffer's something no one wants to endure, but we all experience it. No matter the struggle, at times it feels absolutely overwhelming. Now, I'm not talking about serious tragedies or the abuse of people, even children. I don't even know where to approach those situations in my own mind. I'm completely scandalized, disgusted, and pained by them as well. I truly believe those evil works are deeply rooted in the work of the devil and we...

Banishing Mom Burnout

I feel like I can't be the only one who feels this way right now. I'm just tired. Like downright EXHAUSTED. I feel like I'm dragging my weary body out of bed and encouraging myself to be positive only to feel like everything is just crumbling to pieces 5 minutes into the morning. Is there anyone out there who can relate? Goodness. The worst part of it all (from my perspective of course) is the awful irritability and negativity that my mind so...

Jesus Is Still Rolling Stones

Welcome, Mama! This is blog post #2 for little newbie me. If you dont know who I am (which is incredibly likely), my name is Mary. I am a wife to my hard-working level-headed husband and together we have three young children. Nice to meet you! I was thinking about revival. After all, it IS the name I chose for this blog. It's a funny thing, because so often we think to ourselves..."Man, things are just crazy. This world needs real change." And...

Hello World!

Hi y'all, my name is Mary. This is my first EVER post and this, my friends, is the Mom Revival blog. Oh man, oh man....there is so much to say, but I'm not great with words. I thought I'd just start with introducing myself and this blog, take a little glimpse into the future, and maybe work towards getting to know you! Like I said, my name is Mary. I was born and raised Catholic in a single-parent home. Today, I am a wife to a hard working man...