I’m Back!

It feels strange to be typing at the computer right now…if I’m being honest. I have been gone for well over a year. It’s been an interesting time of growth and change. I’m thankful to have the opportunity to return, but I’m feeling out a new direction (yet again).

I chose to eliminate the podcast. I feel silly recording myself and the demands on my life these days make it increasingly more difficult to sit down and get anything intelligible recorded in a reasonable time frame. So, henceforth, I’ve decided to eliminate the podcast and stick to blog posting instead! We’ll see how it goes. I hope you are well and thriving…if not, I pray the Lord has a season rest and renewal just on the horizon for you.

Again, my true hope is that this blog will offer encouragement, support, hope, and renewal for all Catholic mothers. Not because I have so much knowledge and goodness attained within me. I do not write to preach, I feel quite unworthy of that. I do this knowing that all of us have some wisdom to offer.

How many times do we have a little chat with a friend or family member that encourages us and inspires us toward good. Simply because of a small piece of knowledge or experience they shared. That’s my hope with this blog, to share my journey with you in the hope that it may benefit you in some way. As Paul writes in Philippians 3:12:

It is not that I have already taken hold of it or have already attained perfect maturity, but I continue my pursuit in hope that I may possess it, since I have indeed been taken possession of by Christ.

St. Paul in his letter to the Philippians 3:12, NAB

God bless you, Mama!